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STOP stopping your child's natural responses. 

START supporting their body naturally.

KNOW what sensory input is helpful for them.

I'll show you how to create sensory routines that will transform your current reality ☺

How you experience life. How they experience life. How you experience your child!


When you understand sensory processing, you’ll know how you and your child actually make sense of the world.

Life will open up in a whole new way and in the healthiest way for their bodies and development.


This really impacts how you interact with your environment and others and it deeply affects you on a foundational level.​​​


In all I’ve done…the sensory piece created the biggest shift in every aspect of our lives.  


What I was labeling behavior was JUST a sensory issue. 

I wasn’t experiencing my girls for who they really were. 

Now their authentic personalities have a safe place to shine. 

They became happier, regulated and balanced versions that I love to be around (and so did I)


That is why this is so important. It makes me sad to think how much I missed! 

I didn’t know I wasn’t supporting an element that is essential to their nervous system health

and how regulated their bodies can be and stay. 


How unfair for them?! We don’t teach them how powerful and in control they can be of their own bodies.

We just label them as wild, hyper or try to fix little quirks that are most likely just sensory issues

their body is trying its best to figure out.


It’s also unfair how much we expect or think our bodies are handling it ALL. 

It's not. It's only adapting!

​The modern world is FULL of stimuli, a lot of which does not fit with our sensory preferences.

So our bodies do what they do and ADAPT.

Your adaption = Your "normal"

But coping isn't how you live your best life!


NORMAL should be that you

+ acknowledge what your body needs

+ are aware of it's responses to sensory stimuli

+ know your true preferences and sensitivities

+ know how and when to support yourself​​​​​​

​It's time to stop dismissing your body because you just don't know what to do

Because constant exposure to things that your system perceives as potential threats

= constant stress response = stuck in survival mode = unhealthy!


It also doesn’t do anything to know cognitively that you don’t really like bright lights.

If you don't support yourself at the level of your nervous system,

you’re spending your life working against your very protective primal body (and it will win every time)​

We all need a balanced amount of sensory input each day to function at our best.

But we’re each unique. We all process sensory input differently. 

So that means you can't just DIY what works for other people or collect a list of activities. 

You can’t use them randomly without knowing why and when. 

​You can make things worse or simply just waste your time. 

It takes some understanding and then trial and error, but it’s totally worth it!

You can empower your kids (and yourself) with this knowledge

that is hidden unless you bring it to light. 


They can be spending a lot of time feeling misunderstood and overwhelmed

as you continue to approach it as a behavior problem.


Now that you know the meltdown, the wild behavior, the sensitivity,

could have everything to do with sensory processing.

Try this to make sure you’re experiencing your true child.


Do this so everyone can live at their fullest potential.




Concepts of attachment and how separation relates.

Best practices for any transition or separation.

How to keep attachment strong and their bodies feeling as safe as possible.

What to do when alarm happens just from anticipation. â€‹

Foundational concepts for your kids! Empowering them to know and understand their bodies. Normalize alarm.

The body is the truth teller. The mind is the story teller. 

Alarm can come from lack of information, insufficient information or misconceptions.

How to react when they express a fear or what’s essentially alarm.

The concept of true dependence on your first for them to truly be independent without you.

Examples of common situations society pushes us into or think are "normal" but are in total opposition to attachment and development. 

What to do to best support them and strengthen attachment and ways to shift your perspective in these places. 

How to make them feel safe in any transition. 



Full and thorough breakdown of all 8 senses and the 3 most important you probably don't know about.

How the details and nuances might show up for you. Knowing these subtle places can really impact your sensory experience.

Common signs of a sensitivity so you can consider if you show them more often or more dramatically.

Really find what you and your child’s preferences are.

Tricky places so you know if you need more or less input. What and how each system effects others.

Understand the internal and external experience of each sensitivity. 

Strategies outside of the sensory routines so you can look at these places and either remove or reduce or prepare.

Things to keep in mind, ideas, inspiration and a list of activities for each sense. 

Interventions for Addressing Challenges.

Checklists to see if you are under or over responsive for each sense.



You need to understand the THRESHOLD before you can create your routines.

The order of a routine.

Emotional intelligence aspect so you can add activities that also help achieve a desired emotional state.



Figure out the right type of sensory input to regulate at the right time.

Everyone needs sensory input at regular intervals throughout the day, every day. To create a healthy, solid foundation and help organize our nervous systems.

Every sensory routine is going to be different and unique to each person. They’ll also change over time as sensory needs change.

All the guidelines of setting up and finding the best routines. 

Ideas to help you and your kids remember. 



I go through how I would put all of this together. I want to give you the easiest, clearest way to do this, but it’s really going to depend on how you like to do things and what makes sense to you and for your body. I’m going to tell you how I would do it, how it worked for me.

I give lots of ideas and inspiration to back up the specifics of getting to your sensory preferences.

How to really include your child in creating the routines, so they have the experience, they get it and they can make their own.

How to include them so you strengthen their sense of knowing themselves and knowing they’re the only ones that truly know themselves.

How to use the present moments to help your routines and awareness. 

Prompts and insight to help you both be really good detectives and find the tricky places and nuances personally.

Prompts to track progress and make changes.



The cues of safety to stay regulated.

The simple things you need to check for all day long. 

Prompts to get you connected to your sensations. 



Concepts so you know how to approach it in the right way. 

Very misunderstood or misguided as the release after school.

How to support a sensory response and still discipline fairly.

What do in situations where a sensory aversion can’t just be avoided.



The concept of actually being under-stimulated, how to know and what to do. 

Deep into the sense of touch and overstimulation.



Why bedtime is so tied to attachment and the nervous system and how to approach and truly support them.

Explanation of how the mind plays a huge role in confusing us and them and trying to solve it from the wrong place and not the root. 

The 2 main drivers of sleep and how to support them fully all day so they're always strong and in place. 

Foundational points you want to look at or try to see if they support bedtime for your child. 

Specifically what to do when arousal level is high.

The importance and power of play and how to add it to your routine. Specific ideas for bedtime.

Specific sensory input for bedtime.

Ideas and inspiration to help the attachment connection piece.

Checklist for the perfect bedtime and sleeping environment. 

Prompts that highlight why or what could be bothering your child that might be overlooked or hiding from plain sight. 

The approach that is different for a sensory seeker.



The reasons mornings can be so hard, waking up, following a routine or the separation piece and what to do support each. 



Ideas, inspiration, examples and ways to create a personal, unique, special space with all senses in mind. 


Example routines for morning, night, after school, focus, breaks, tactile, eating, leaving the house, on the go, calming,

before, during and after travel, goal oriented, sitting and standing, adult + teen routines.



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Private space in Circle. Share + Explore Together

Ask questions, gather insight + inspiration, receive support + guidance. 

A group of moms learning and growing like you with concepts most aren't even aware of.

Empowered YOU is waiting on the other side of that button ♥

$ 1 4 7

You are worth all that it takes to embody who you truly are and mother from that place

You are worth it 

Your child is worth it 


"I feel I've missed a lot when I had no idea about this sensory stuff!

I'm so thankful to have this and to really understand myself and my kids better.

What was annoying to me was just their body struggling with sensory stuff.

It just shifts your whole view of how to parent.”  --- Natalie, 34

"Like everything Jen shares, it just seems so simple...if we all just knew

this sooner. It should be what we're all taught before we have to parent!

She brings it back to our bodies and knowing about ourselves and that's

what I love the most. I feel empowered and I know that I'm giving my kids 

foundational pieces so they can always support their bodies."

--- Teresa, 39

"I never knew to look at behavior this way. And WOW has it made a difference in how

I show up all the time now and my kids have transformed. I know, they know how to move the energy in the right way for their body. The balance in our home is what I dreamed of!"  --- Gina, 27

"This was the missing piece for us. It was too much, but I knew nothing was really wrong with my daughter. I knew a little about the nervous system, so I got that I needed to find a way to help her regulate better. Learning about the sensory part was IT! All what I now call excess energy that felt like too much is processed in the right way for her. She loves her routines. She loves making her own."

--- Anna, 31 

"Thanks for creating this! I love knowing my kids in this way personally. I love knowing I know what to do to truly support their body, in the moment and throughout the day so they are so much more balanced. Having these routines in place, provides relief and security for my own nervous system. I'm not guessing what the core thing is. I'm not trying to control behavior. I'm not wondering when the next meltdown is going to happen anymore. These routines take care of it all."  --- Beth,  31

"How did we ever live without our routines? Night and day. 

By simply adding things in an order that's best for his body."

--- Meg, 32​​​

Thank you! My son on sensory routines is my son 2.0. It's him, but from a place of calm and balance. He's still full of energy, it's just so much easier to handle and I don't have to. He's in control. He knows for himself how to best support himself. The best gift!   --- Marla, 28

"I'm so grateful to know all about sensory. I can be an advocate for 

my kids and myself. It's the best feeling and it really has changed the

energy of our home and relationships." --- Emily, 40

Sensory has been the key! He’s now doing so much better in school. From his behavior with kids and the teacher to how he can focus and participate."

--- Sarah, 32

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